A Wonderful Weekend

Joel went away this weekend. A real man's weekend - shooting stuff, driving around on the back of utes, playing with engines for the sake of playing with engines and wine tasting. If we're luck he'll blog the whole thing! I got to see almost an hour of video footage. F.U.N! I mean it! It was great for me to see him having so much fun asserting his masculinity. I was reminded, again, how different God has made boys to girls, men to women - how brilliant! I love the masculine heart, the masculine mind. It's a foreign entity. So different, so exciting, so dangerous! Love it!

I really love that being married has allowed me to experience this masculinity in a whole new way. It has also freed me to be the feminine balance in a whole new way. I love delicate things, pastel things, natural things,floral things, soft things, sweet smelling things - girly things! So this weekend , while Joel was off being masculine I grabbed the opportunity to feminine.

I had one of bestest girlfriends over on Friday night. We talked from our hearts and were reassured by each others understanding and love. We watched Happy Feet and danced to the credits. We watched The Break Up and were amazed at how real those arguments are.

On Saturday I asserted my femininity over the house and Cleaned! In the afternoon I headed up to Barrossa to spend some time with Adam and his family. Dinner was at his brother and sister-in-law's place. So much seafood! I'd never had oysters before and now I can honestly say I will never deliberately ea a natural oyster again- Kilpatrick, maybe, but not natural. I felt violated! How horrible to have a cold, dead, slimy, fishy smelling slug in your mouth. I ate a lot of prawns to cover the taste! Seafood soup for entre and yummy steak topped in creamy prawn sauce with mashed potatoes and steamed asparagus for mains. I then spent about an hour learning the ropes on a Wii. Who knew? I was great! Look out Fin. It's game on when you get back! Apple pie and ice cream for dessert(did I say I was having a great weekend yet?!) then more combat on the Wii. Ok, so i wasn't completely awesome, but it was my first time and i did win a few games!

Sunday was church at Bethany at 11am. So late! I was still in my PJ's at 10am! We had a huge mother's day lunch (I eat so much at Adam's family's house). Lovely to spend mother's day with some sort of family since mine are so far away. I dropped in to see my Nana on the way home and give her a cuddle for mother's day. She's so cute! Soon after I got back to my own house my dear Mummy called. I love my mum. What more can i say?! She's great, crazy, loving, understanding, creative, supportive and very funny! Love Love Love in big doses.

The evening consisted of playing with one of my favourite little friends - Zaylia, while her mum, Tamara, (who I was friends with way before Zaylia came along - she is only 5 months old!) chatted to her mum, then watching Coupling (don't think any less of me! It really is one of the funniest shows on earth!) and eating Tai takeout.

Monday was a sleep in and craft day. Lovely friend Anna and I each made four cards while the rain poured down and we chatted about life. Mine are below for the world to see. Anna also made some fantastic pumpkin soup which was lunch. Yum! Good girl chats. Tamara came over in the afternoon do some sewing (more Zaylia play time!) and I watched some more season 3 Friends (or am i up to season 4?!).

In summary - I have feminine coming out my ears and I love it!

Time apart from my husband has, again, been wonderful. Not because I don't love him to squishing point, but because I am woman and I need woman time. He is man needs some of that too. I'm sure my girlfriend time helps me be a better wife - recharged, well balanced, sane and all loved up ready to focus on my man and our marriage without wanting something from him he can't give me (he never takes up my offer to make cards with me!).

I'm charged! Game on!


  1. OMG Rach, this is such a great blog page thing. Sorry, I've never seen one before (I have a lot to learn...) Can I just tell people that the awesome girlfriend person is me? Well there I said it anyway. Friday night was such an awesome night, though I still feel bad for leaving you with all those dishes...hmmm.
    So, yes, this has been a great way for me to procrastinate from doing a resources critique. I think I'll critique your blog instead. Ha ha j/k. Have a lovely day beautiful girl. Love Erin. xxxx

  2. G'day Rach,
    I glad you had such a wonderful weekend re-charging your girly reservoir. We had a blast (literally) re-charging our boy tanks. I hope your man is fit and better than new after his masculine service at the farm.

    See you later pretty Rachel

    XO Adrian


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