Five Faves

Loz has been playing along with Pip over at Meet Me at Mikes for a while now and since I have few things that I love this week I thought I'd join the fun...

1. My job! No pictures. I just love it. It's my favourite fave of the week.

2. Fillable Glass Lamp - This one comes from Pottery Barn which makes me a bit cross because I have no access to it from Australia. I just love how organic the shape is and can imagine filling it with all sorts of things. Anyone want to buy me one and ship it to me?

3. Miranda - the funniest TV show I have seen in a long time! Sadly it only has 6 episodes until later this year.

4. Beatles Cupcakes - the greatest idea for cupcakes for my dad's 60th coming up in July.

5. The Nikon D300s - my D60 is giving me some trouble at the moment and instead of going to get it fixed like it should I have decided I WANT/NEED the D300s. Of course.

That was fun - think I'll play along again sometime!


  1. Hi Rachel, thanks for stopping by Maybe Next Week. I love your faves, especially the lamp! And those cupcakes! I love themed cupcakes!

  2. oh Rachel- I'd love to ship you that pretty lamp... except for I am in Canada and therefore don't have access to a pottery barn either! No fair!

    My dh says he wants a D300s too!! Currently he is using a D90 and I am using his cast-off D40 (which I am slowly starting to learn how to use... other than automatic that is)!

  3. Very much loving that fillable lamp also! I wonder could we make one ourselves? Buy a large Jar, drill a hole for a cord? Hm. You can buy lamp kits...

  4. I think the D300 is definitely mandatory!! :-)

  5. p.s. I've given you an award.... check it out!

    Honest Scrap Award

  6. Oh, what's up with the D60?
    Mind you, only a slight scratch on the bottom of the body is good enough reason to get a new camera.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message. It's nice to know you were here!