Next week we'll be in Melbourne for a short trip. I have to get my allergies sorted out before they kill me. On the list of things to do is a trip to Ikea. Naturally. So I thought I should do a bit of studying to get me ready (and get Joel prepared!) I'm starting withthis room: Love!
The lamps are divine and possibly on our list. We both really want more glass based lamps after the one I bought for my desk was such a success. I also think I am ready to use my collection of white frames to make a family collage. Although it might have to go in the kitchen again my blue wall like this one!
I am in love with the chaise and wish our room was big enough for it. Sadly I will have to wait for my dream home to have a bigger bedroom. The floors here are gorgeous too as are the curtains. I can't convince Joel that patterned curtains are nice but maybe these ones will (second picture)...
back to the online catalogue for more inspiration!
IKEA Catalogue 2011
Hey Rach, looking forward to meeting up with you for an IKEA trip (or 2!) in Melbourne next year!! Won't be the same living so far from an IKEA... and there are plenty more things and people I'm sad about leaving too. Just trying to think of all the exciting things about next year! talk soon, happy shopping! love T