I love it when she..
- sleeps 12 hours straight
- makes a noise like a telephone then puts her hand up to her ear and says 'hi'
- gets a bowl and spoon out of her drawer, closes the drawer then feeds her self
- signs to make herself understood
- signs for for Morgan first thing in the morning.
- plays happily by herself
- points to her belly button when you ask her where it is
- same thing with her eyes
- also points to eyes in books and says what they are
- sucks her thumb and snuggles her lovie at sleep time
- chases Morgan around squealing
- climbs onto and off of the couch by herself
- 'reads' to her self
- follows instructions
- dances to everything that has a beat. even the coffee machine
- gets so excited about her dada coming home
- as q a a
- helps me type !
- shows me her little imagination developing
- finds her favourite books, carries them to me and crawls into my lap so I can read to her
- laughs
- smiles
- sings
- calls me mama
Truly children are a delight! I love your list! I love, love, love your pictures.