
Joel was away most of last week.  Monday to Saturday night.  I didn't miss him too much - I was having way too much fun with all my girlfriends, projects, books and movies.  At least I didn't mope and feel sad so I didn't miss him in that sense.

Now he's back though and, well - I did miss him!  Not in in that sad way but in the way that I feel more content, at peace, together and something indescribable now he's home.  

When we said our vows both of us firmly believed that God would make us one.  What we didn't realise, and probably still don't fully grasp, is that our oneness is a process.  God did make us one our wedding day but every day, and through every conflict we resolve, secret we share, moment we create He is making us more one.  Our times apart are becoming easier in the sense that we are able to enjoy that as separate time without feeling sad but harder too because were are one and being apart makes us each a little bit less than what we are as a whole.

What a wonderful experience: to be one whole part of one whole marriage.

Welcome home my love!


  1. Good words rach, I might have to use them one day if you don't mind

  2. so true my love so true.

    I am blessed to have you...



Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message. It's nice to know you were here!