Hello and Sorry

I'm back!  And have I got some stories for you!

You may have noticed that you can't leave lovely comments since I changed everything.  Sorry about that.  I hadn't realised.  Big thanks to Effie for emailing me and letting me know that you can't write anything not that you wont!

I'll do my best to sort that out soon but it is, quite honestly, low on my list of things to do this week so if I can ask you to be patient and save up your comments until I've sorted it out.



  1. Did you fix it already, or did it fix itself, or am I the only privileged one who can leave a comment? Great to have you back and looking forward to spending some time with you tonight!

  2. Woohoo--comments are fixed! Sounds like you must have had an amazing time in Bali..waiting to hear all the exciting stories!!

  3. You are special Nell! but I did actually fix it! Was great to catch up with you too.

    Stories coming soon Effie!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message. It's nice to know you were here!