Dragon Boating

We've been Dragon Boating.  Why?  Because there's this fantastic couple at church who are founding members of the Albury Team- Brave Hearts.  And they invited us along.  And we love it!  We love the physicality of it, the peacefulness, the concentration, the competition and the team work it involves.  But mostly we love the spirit of the the people there.

Dragon Boating is traditionally a chinese sport but has taken up around the world as the sport for breast cancer sufferers and survivors in large part due to the huge positive effect it has on your lymphatic system - a key system affected by breast cancer.  There are now teams all around the world made up of survivors - not just women - who take their (very expensive) boats all over the place to compete and raise awareness.  

Yesterday the team we have been paddling with held their first ever Regatta.  It was incredible!  We were so proud to be there to support our new friends in their racing and their event.   These shots are a small taste of the day (we could only be there after church).

Mum - I feel like this is a small way that I can support you from so far away - to support other women who have been where you have been.  I think of you every time we go.   They remind me of you - strong, courageous fighters - women I can look up to and be proud of.  I love you.  

(Note: Please take the time to read the stories I have set links to, especially the Brave Hearts story.  Their courage and tenacity will hopefully inspire you as it has me)

1 comment:

  1. that looks fun! and the giant bra was great!

    those dogs on the other hand...


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message. It's nice to know you were here!