A Weighty Story

In just under 20 weeks I have lost 12.5 kilograms (27.5 pounds). I can hardly believe it. Until I go back and look at photos of myself from July and October (the only 2 months I let anyone take my picture!) and then I see it. Really see how much has gone.

I'm not done. I still want another 5kg's off at least bit this was the first major goal. Go Team Me!

{ End of the Short Post. Read of if you want to know more! }

Why 12.5 kilograms? Why not 12? or 13? Well. Joel made me an offer: If I got down to 70 kilos (yes, I just put my weight on the internet) I could buy any camera I wanted. That was a good round 10 kilos I had to lose. Then I put on 2 and a half. The deal stayed the same - I had to reach 70 kilograms before getting my camera. That's why today, the day I got on the scales and saw 70.0 is the day I am celebrating!

If the achievement of losing 12.5kilograms is not enough for you to cheer about with me (get off my blog! Seriously! What does a person have to do to impress you?! Kidding, you can stay, but this next bit better give you more of an appreciation for this major feat...!)

4 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS - Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. It's different for every girl who has it. For me it has meant chaotic hormones and putting on weight easily which then messes up my hormone balance even more. I have done so much to try and lose weight over the past few years. I would lose a few kilos then put them back on when I was stressed, sad, working hard or in the same room as anything with sugar or fat. When losing weight is critical for your health but your body does it's best to hold on to every gram there's a real battle that happens - physically, emotionally... everything. I have cried many tears at having a body that seems to work against me as I want and need to lose weight.

I had to see more than a handful of doctors to get a diagnosis. When I finally did, through the hospital, I had to find a doctor that was prepared to work with me and not just medicate me. I was blessed with a fabulous doctor who actually has PCOS herself. She sent me to a nutritionist and a physiologist to get me eating and moving well for my needs. That work a bit, but not drastically. And then we moved. And it all went out the window and down the hill. Moving is stressful, sad, hard work, emotional and there always seems to be lots of sugar and hot chips involved. I sat on the couch, cried, ate and got fatter and sicker.

I joined the gym. That was good but not great. Well, what did I expect if I continued to eat the same and only go twice a week? Nearly every night I would say the same thing that thousands of people say before bed - tomorrow I will exercise more and eat better. It never really happened. I didn't have a terrible diet. But it wasn't really what I needed either.

In July last year 2 things happened: My little sister got engaged & my mum asked us to have family photos while were on holidays with them. Han getting engaged was so exciting. Except I had the honour of being maid of honour. And, as the family photos reminded me, I was the 'fat sister'. The photos that we had as a family hit me hard. I couldn't look at them without crying. I still can't. Honestly, compared to a lot of people in the world I wasn't massive. I didn't even get into the obese BMI range. But compared to my sister (not that we should compare, but we do) and compared to previous family photos I was far too big. I didn't want to walk down the aisle at my sisters wedding and be the 'fat sister'. I didn't want to be in photos that will be displayed for many decades as the one with the too fat belly and cake stuffed cheeks.

I had to do something so I could be comfortable in my own body as I stood with my sister on her wedding day. I had to be happy enough with how I looked to be able to fully focus on her and not worry about myself. It was going to be hard!

I took it to God. We prayed for an answer. This wedding was the deadline I needed to motivate myself to be healthier and fitter than ever. I needed a miracle. While God was holding up his end I got of my behind and started walking in the mornings with Joel instead of sleeping in. I kept up my gym efforts as much as possible and didn't allow myself to turn on my computer until I'd done something physical every day. Even Sunday. It wasn't enough. I needed to change my fuel too. So I scoured the shelves at the library and found a book called The Inside Out Diet by Cathy Wong. Inside Out - that sounds like me - back to front.

That book was the start of God's answer to our prayer for diet help. While going through the Liver Cleanse in that book I got to talking to a friend about it who directed us to a lady speaking about Raw Food and green smoothies the same week. By the end of her 2 hour seminar I knew this was another piece of the puzzle God was piecing together for me. Living foods. I had been eating 'healthy' foods that had been cooked to death and had very little left to offer my body. With not much life going into it my body, and particularly the PCOS, was going into famine mode - storage. I learnt that in not giving my body all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, enzymes and life that it needs I had been telling it that we were in famine so it had better store up. Not good.

I can't begin to tell you everything I have learnt and I am only just scraping the tip of understanding with what I know but I can tell you this : I have stopped entertaining my taste buds and started feeding my body with the fuel it needs for health. And I am so much healthier, lighter, thinner, more balanced than I ever was before. My taste buds have changed and I totally love my green smoothies for breakfasts and actually feel queasy at the thought of red meat. Me! The steak and chips girl!

I don't know the name for my diet because I'm still working out how it all fits. I'm not 100% Raw. I'm closer to vegan than vegetarian. Pretty close to gluten free. And I do my best to not eat numbers. We have extended this out to not using poison for toothpaste or deodorant. We've never used toxins for cleaning. And we are investigating all other sorts of ways of living more kindly with our world.

Maybe I'm a hippy now?! Whatever. I am fit - proof: I have tan lines from my walking shorts and shoes, I can actually run for more than a few minutes at a time. I am healthy - proof: my hormones have balanced out to near normal, my finger nails are strong and body does what it's supposed to (and that's all you kids I work with need to hear about that!). I am happier - proof: I bought 2 dresses! And I am lighter in soul, mind and body - proof:



  1. Well done my dearest! I'm so very proud of you and thankful that the Lord has answered our prayers in ways we did not expect. God is good!

    Now you car start your camera shopping.

  2. Congratulations!!! That is so fantastic. Well done!!!

    Can you post how you make your green smoothies... they sound like a fabulous start to the day.

    YAY for you! Hip hip hooray!

  3. Well done our very beautiful rach! not just for your weight loss but your honesty in confronting all your issues. Your strength , wisdom and love shines through every photo of you - yes I mean those taken in July too! love you so much

  4. Congrats! That's all I can say!

  5. Congratulations - that's awesome. I totally agree about avoiding numbers and sticking with the fresher stuff... the less processed the better. I used to get unwell at the drop of a hat and just got, well, sick of it, but after really going easy on gluten and dairy (not total avoidance but big cut-back) I'm feeling better than in a very long time. God bless! Paul H

  6. So proud of you Rach, and was totally stoked to see you and your 'glow' this morning...va va va voom girl! Hugs, Jane xxx

  7. WOW! What an incredible path to being the best 'you' possible! So incredibly inspiring and so happy for you! Loved reading your post so much that I have now read it four times :)
    Now... how about posting some pics of this 'new' you!

  8. Dear rach,

    Yeap I admit I cried when I read that! For the fact I am so proud of you for all you have achieved. Not only that but you are so beautiful and I hate that you called yourself the 'fat' sister. So I am going to rename you to the 'beautiful, strong willed,fun, kind hearted' sister. Yes Jes - you are exactly that too! Rach, you are amazing. A wonderful person and a wonderful sis. You inspire me so much and I look up to you so much. Now stop calling yourself bad names and starting looking at the person you truly are. My amazing and beautiful sister!!
    Love you so very much!
    The Bean (aka Han)

  9. I can not begin to say how amazing that is Rachel! Well done you!!! Very proud of you...what camera are you going to buy! ;)

  10. So beautifully written...it had all the elements to a good story! I had a little tear and a little laugh and a little "Oh!"You are amazing Rach. I can't wait to chat with you again! XOXO

  11. Rach, this is totally inspiring :) WELL DONE!! God's good and it is heart warming to hear you smiling as I read your post!!

  12. Way to go!! I have PCOS and after my last daughter my hormones didn't level out and I have gained weight.

    Trying so hard to figure out how to get this weight off to feel healthy!!

    Way to go girl you should be so happy!


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