
Tomorrow my teeth come out.  All four wisdom teeth under a general anesthetic.  So nervous.  

I've made jelly and bought yogurt.  I'm going to the library in the morning to borrow more movies (I watched the ones I had out!).  I have a live in nurse (he doesn't know it yet!) and a friend coming to visit with a dvd on friday.

I think I'm set.  I'm still scared!

Will let you know how I go.

Think of me.  And think of Jenna Lou too - she's getting her teeth out the same day in the USA!


  1. If I can do it while stalking, and without any pain killers afterwards, you can do it too! I believe in you pretty Rachel!

  2. Hi Rach,
    I will be thinking of you and praying all goes well for your surgery. God bless, enjoy your movies, jelly & yoghurt,
    love, Lyn xo

  3. Lach, Hope it goes well. Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine. Good excuse for jelly!!!! Love ya. Chaman has gone to Perth today. Then onwards to Thailand then Pakistan and Iran to look for his family. Please pray for him and ask all your friends to pray for his safety and the safety of his friend that he is travelling with. Thanks.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message. It's nice to know you were here!