Mary: Mother of Jesus (Part 3)

Welcome to Part Three of our Advent Bible Study on Mary.  Check out Part One and Part Two if you are just joining in today.  

Remember: participation is up to whatever level you can manage.  Just reading through and thinking about it as you do, writing your responses down in your personal journal, leaving a comment or question in the comments section or emailing thoughts to me.  You could chat to a local friend about what comes up or if you get really excited you are welcome to use these questions for your family or small group study time.  I'd love to know if you do so let me know!

So go and grab your Bible, a cup of tea and a some biscuits and whatever else you might need and let's get into studying the character of the wonderful woman Mary, the Mother of our Lord.

Read Luke 2:1-20
Q17.                  Consider & discuss some of the emotions Mary might have been experiencing. 

Q18.                  What clues are we given here to the nature of the Mother of God?  (v 7 & 19)

In Luke 2:21-39
We read how Mary and Joseph have Jesus circumcised and named on the 8th day according to Jewish law (God’s law).

 They presented him in the temple in Jerusalem for consecration and offered sacrifices.  They did everything required by the law (v 39).  This is significant because it shows us that Mary and Joseph are obedient to God in all things.

Q19.                  How do you feel about following Mary’s example and being obedient to the Word of God?

One of the only stories recorded in the Bible of Jesus’ childhood is in Luke 2 v 41-52. Jesus becomes ‘lost’ in the temple in Jerusalem while Mary and Joseph spend 3 days searching for him.  When they found him, Mary is the one who has words with him. 

Read Luke 2:48-50
to see what is said between Mary and Jesus.

Q20.                  v 50 says Mary doesn’t understand but v 51 tells us she does the same thing as when the shepherds and angels visited at Jesus’ birth – ‘treasured these things in her heart’.  What does it mean to treasure something in your heart?  What does this say about Mary?

Are there particular things that you treasure in your heart?  Perhaps specific words of God?  How can you be intentional about you treasure in your heart?

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